We stand alone in the Forest

401 (k) Plans
Consulting to 401 k Defined Contribution Plans All retirement programs are indistinguishable by their investment offerings. It is the consultant and his services that are the differentiating factor. The service model of Shade Tree Investment Advisors is what separates us from

Our Team
Bodie Pyndus Mr. Pyndus is a 44-year veteran of the securities industry, specializing in investment management consulting services for 401(k) plans and investment management for individuals. He was a charter member of Investment Management Consultants Association (IMCA). Mr. Pyndus was

401 (k) Video Library
Welcome to the world of 401k plans! If you are establishing a 401k plan, You can use our videos to find answers to many of your 401 k questions.We at Shade Tree Investment Advisors, are plan consultants for Defined contribution